Two Bear Farm Plant CSA

 We will once again be offering vegetable plants for sale via a Plant CSA Share. Our goal is to help out with your home garden by providing you with all the plants you will need to have a healthy and productive garden this spring.  There are 4 pre-packaged options to help you with decision making, or, for the more adventurous, a pick-your-own option ($25 minimum). We are only offering plant starts for those crops that do best when transplanted in our area. Please have all of your forms sent in by March1st.

How does this work?

Pick one of the 4 packages on this page, or select your own plants on page two. Send in your form with payment to 1978 KM Ranch Rd, Whitefish, MT or for package deals pay via paypal here. We will purchase seed, and start your plants alongside our farm production. Plants will be available for pickup on May 21st, 2016 (time will be determined later) to coincide with the planting season. We will provide planting advice and a Q&A session during the pickup to answer any questions you might have. All seeds, potting soil, and amendments will be Certified Organic. We can also make special arrangements if you need you plants earlier or later than May 21st. Please note that is you arrange alternate pick up you will miss out on the Q&A session. Please contact us for any questions at

Please click here to download and print the Plant CSA Form.