Full Shares:  Salad mix, tomatoes, kale, eggplant, beans, basil, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, and corn

Partial Shares:  Everthing in smaller portions, less kale

Hello CSA members!

Well, it seems like the record hot and dry spring and summer that we feared would lead to forest fires has led to….forest fires.  Last Tuesday we could see the Thompson Creek plume all the way out at the farm, and then a few days later I could see the Mt. Marston fire plume way up by Fortine.

Mt. Marston fire looking north from the farm field.

Mt. Marston fire looking north from the farm field.

Pro’s and cons of said fires aside, the smoky air sure does make for some amazing sunsets.

Sun rays over the high tunnels

Sun rays over the high tunnels

It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of August, and the plants on the farm are starting to suggest that fall is right around the corner.  Many of the winter squash plants are starting to die back, and the fruits are mature.   The biggest shocker to us this year is the pumpkin patch.  This is the first year we’ve ever grown pumpkins, which we were expecting to be ready some time in late September.  Well, they are ready now.  And they are HUGE!  And there is something like 270 of them!  It’s a bit of a conundrum really, because I don’t know how we are even going to transport these things.  Maybe it’s time for our first U-Pick opportunity?   Thankfully we have a few weeks to figure it out.

As for this week, salad mix and kale make their return to the shares.  The tomatoes are in peak production, and the first green beans are ready.  And then there is the corn.  This week the corn is actually ready.  After 8 years of farming together, Rebecca and I don’t often disagree on much, but last week she was convinced something was not right with the first planting of corn, and that we needed to pick it before it went downhill.  I told her we should wait, because the kernels didn’t seem quite filled out, but she wanted nothing to do with my opinion.  So, she picked corn.  This week, the kernels are filled out, so I’ve been giving her a hard time all day about it 🙂  And she’s already gone to bed, so she doesn’t get to proof-read this newsletter before I post it, so I’ll be in double-trouble come morning!

All the items in the share this week should be pretty familiar to you, but how about a recipe for some spicy caramelized green beans?

Well, it’s late, and we’ve got a busy day tomorrow picking ripe corn.  See you at CSA distribution!


Todd and the Two Bear Farm crew