Full Share: Acorn squash, celery, brussel sprouts, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, carrots, and potatoes

Half Share:  Smaller quantities, perhaps less the potatoes?

Hello CSA members!

Well, no sooner had I written last weeks newsletter than the National Weather Service announced that June, July, and August were the driest summer on record, with Kalispell receiving 1.09 inches of rain in total over that entire period.  What they did not mention was that this came on the heels of the driest April and May on record.  So, although it was a bit late in arriving, it sure was nice to get some rain this week.

Finally some rain!

Finally some rain!

Simply not having to deal with the dust is a welcome change.  We’ve been busy trying to get a jump on the potato harvest, and we’ve retooled the barrel washer we typically used for carrots to handle the potatoes, and it’s working like a champ.

Freshly dug Yukon Golds

Freshly dug Yukon Golds

The barrel washer doing it's thing on potatoes.

The barrel washer doing it’s thing on potatoes.

This past week, and the next few days to come, have felt much like fall…which for many people is soup weather.  The share this week plays right into that theme.   Between the winter squash, celery, carrots, potatoes, onions, and garlic, you have all the makings of some fine soup.

Or, if soup isn’t your thing, the ole roasted acorn squash and brown sugar is a classic.

And then there is the much awaited brussel sprouts.  Some years you get them, some years the bugs get them.  This year is looking pretty good so far.  Favorite recipes tend to include bacon…not that that should surprise anyone.  But how about this simple yet delicious recipe with garlic in a cast iron pan?

As for the celery…well, you can just eat it as is, or dip it in peanut butter.  Or, if you have a dehydrator, dry it and save it for some delicious soup stock this winter.  I know, that was pretty inspiring…but it’s late.

Rebecca returns from her race tonight, so the farm will be back to full capacity tomorrow!  See you at distribution.

Todd and the Two Bear Farm Crew