Full Share: Delicata winter squash, salad mix, Russian Banana fingerling potatoes, red onions, parsley, tomatoes, and multi-colored carrots
Partial share: Same in smaller quantities, minus parsley
Hello CSA members!
What a beautiful fall it’s turning out to be! The weather this week is tough to beat, and the colors in the high country are stunning. Whether you’re a hunter, mountain biker, or enjoy hiking in the park, it’s a great time to get up into the mountains. It also happens to be the the second to last CSA delivery this week, and the shares very much reflect the fall nature of things, with storage crops dominating. We’ve already had a few frosts as well as a solid 21 degree freeze last week to really signal the end of another wonderful growing season. Last week, this week, and next week you will be receiving an assortment of different varieties of winter squash (no, they are not all pumpkins). If these are new to you, or intimidate you at all, not to worry. First off, you can store them in a warm, dry place, such as your kitchen, and they will last for many months until you figure out what to do with them. Second, they are way more versatile than people give them credit for. They are delicious roasted, made into pie stuffing, turned into soup, or used as enchilada or ravioli stuffing. This weeks squash, the Delicata, is unique in that you can eat the skin. It’s the only winter squash you can slice and cook in a pan in a reasonable amount of time, which makes it an excellent addition to root roasts or other skillet creations.
Here are some ideas to get you inspired.
As a bit of a change this week, we’ve also included multi-colored carrots. While not as sweet as the orange standard carrot for fresh eating, these colored carrots tend to excel when roasted. They go great in root roasts with fingerling potatoes, delicata squash, and garlic.
As is the usual year end tradition, we will be offering the opportunity to place bulk orders for those looking to stock up for life after CSA while supplies last. Orders will be filled first come, first served. Any available items will also be available for purchase at the three farmers markets we attend if you’re not sure what to pre-order. One note on pre-orders, we do prefer you reserve this for larger quantity orders (i.e. you don’t need to preorder a pound of carrots). You can either place you order this week at any of the markets by writing on the clipboard, or you can send us an email at info@twobearfarm.com. The orders will then be delivered along with the last CSA share next week. Please don’t reply to this blogpost, as it does not make it back to us. Items available for order are Salmon River squash, Acorn squash, Red Kuri squash, Delicata squash, Spaghetti squash, carrots (10# minimum order), Russet potatoes, Russian Banana Fingerling potatoes, Peter Wilcox potatoes (purple skin with yellow flesh), French red fingerling potatoes, yellow storage onions, and red storage onions.
Hopefully all of you who rode your bikes to CSA pickup last week to get your Salmon River squash made it home safely. Enjoy the weather, and we’ll see you at CSA distribution!
Todd and the Two Bear Farm Crew