Full Share: Salad mix, Yukon Gem potatoes, Sweet Corn, Poblano peppers, Jalapeño pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Eggplant, Sweet Onion, Delicate Squash, Tomatoes, Garlic and Carrots.
Partial Share: Everything minus salad mix and a different assortment of peppers.
Hello CSA members!
There is nothing I enjoy more than harvesting out in the field in the early morning light while listening to the call of Sandhill cranes. I don’t know about where you live in the valley, but Autumn sure seems to have settled in here at the farm. Even though a ton of work still remains to be done on the farm, it is comforting to know that the days are getting shorter and some recovery time is in our near future. That said, we still managed to put in a 13 hour work day on Labor Day?! With frost predicted for later this week, we wanted to make sure we put all the sensitive crops in the CSA this week. Alongside the CSA and markets, we are trying to get the storage carrots and potatoes harvested, washed, and packed in the cooler, and we’re down a team member this week. And I’m tired of getting up at 4am to turn on the irrigation to protect the sweet corn, so tonight we went out and harvested off the remaining 1100 ears.
So a few more long days it is. I will say though, if you need to get a job done, there is no better partner than Rebecca. We’ve been through a lot together in the past nine years, and I can honestly say that there hasn’t been a single day over those 9 seasons where she hasn’t come to work and given her best effort. Hard to believe that next season this farming venture turns 10!
This weeks share will be the last of many of the summer crops, as the next two weeks will be more storage oriented. So, enjoy your corn, peppers, eggplant and tomatoes as a celebration of a great summer! Looking for something different to do with your sweet corn this week that also takes care of your jalapeño? How about these fritters? Or this corn and tomato salad? And how about this twist on delicata squash?
Well, it’s late, and tomorrow is going to be a busy one (and possibly quite wet). See you at distribution!
Todd and Team Two Bear Farm