Full Share: Spinach, Salad Mix, Radishes, Baby Bok Choy, Spring Onions, and Kale
Half Share: Spinach, Salad Mix, Radish, Spring Onions, and Baby Bok Choy
Hello CSA Members!
It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! Week #1 of the 2017 CSA. I should have figured, because just as everything is coming into alignment regarding our crops and planning, Mother Nature decides to throw a curve ball and give us a clear 27 degree freeze the night before CSA harvest begins. I can’t tell if the universe just has a vendetta against farmers, or a really good sense of humor. Fortunately, not much damage was inflicted. However, if you notice that some leaves in your salad mix look a bit translucent, we apologize for that.
It’s been a late spring, and I have to say that personally I’ve really enjoyed finally having fresh greens in my own diet this past week. I have not yet sampled the salad mix, but the spinach, baby bok choy, and radishes have been a welcome addition to my diet. For those of you who don’t like the spiciness of radishes (or they don’t like you), I suggest slicing them and sautéing them to mellow them out.
The past year we’ve been following a fellow organic farmer out of Oregon who has published a great book and website called dishingupthedirt.com I am not too proud to defer to her this week for some excellent recipes. In fact, if you go to her website and click on the veggie tab, you will find all sorts of wonderful recipes that will serve you well this season. But for starters, how about this:
While we are excited that you will be joining us this week in eating some fresh local greens, the farm is really just getting started from a planting standpoint. The soil is finally dry enough to work, and while the early seedings are in, so much of the food we will be eating this summer is still not even in the ground yet. Local food in Montana is quite a journey, and we thank you for joining us this year. Aside from us providing you some fresh nutritions food, and you helping us making a living doing what we love, we hope that you get a better understanding and some insight as to what it takes to grow food here in your home state, and what the potential really is.
Hopefully you are all comfortable with the CSA instructions from the last couple of emails, and things will go smoothly this week. There are always a few blips, and we will do our best to get them sorted out. One note: This year the Whitefish Farmer’s Market pickup grew substantially, and at this point it will be a struggle to fit all the shares and our market offerings in to the refrigerator truck each week. So, at this point the we cannot make any pickup location changes to Whitefish because we simply don’t have the room. Hopefully this does not create any inconvenience. We look forward to seeing you at the your pickup location this week!
Todd & Two Bear Farm Team.