Full Shares: Spinach, Salad Mix. Beets, Spring Onions, Bok Choy, Kale, Head Lettuce
Partial Shares: Spinach, Braising Mix, Head Lettuce, Spring Onions, Kale, Bok Choy
Hello CSA members!
This was the week. The week of much consternation a month ago. Why? Well, back at the start of the CSA, we knew that we would have 3 solid weeks of production coming out of our high tunnels and hoop houses to fill CSA. But is was such a wet spring that we knew we couldn’t get into our fields on time, and were afraid there was going to be a lag between the tunnel production and field production. So we faced the dilemma of postponing the start of CSA, or starting the CSA with the risk that we would not have anything to give out this week. We even considered the possibility of having to take a week off of CSA if there was no food to distribute. But, alas, all that worry was for naught. Big bok choy has come to the rescue. This week, everyone will be getting 6 heads of big bok choy. Just Kidding! I don’t know why so many people harsh on the big bok choy, but we have listened to the feedback, and so this marks the only week you will receive one in your share. We even have an amazing recipe to help out! Once you try this, you’ll be begging us for more big Bok Choy!
Full shares will also get a little treat this week, as the first of our high tunnel beets are ready. I can’ tell through all the foliage in there, but the beets seem so have really sized up and the greens look excellent and tasty as well.
This week on the farm we are hoping to get the last of our main plantings completed, with sweet corn, summer squash, and winter squash queued up for planting. Planting these crops usually prompts a late frost, so it will be interesting to see what the weather does. One the planting is complete, it’s time to turn our attention to the weeds, which have been thriving in the warm and dry weather. And the best news of all….last week mosquito plague has seems to have tapered off to the point where it is actually somewhat enjoyable to be outside. Here’s hoping the trend continues! We hope you are enjoying the weather and we’ll see you at CSA distribution.