Full Shares: Mesclun Mix, Basil, Head Lettuce, Carrots, Spring Onions, Beets, Lacinato Kale, and Garlic Scapes (maybe)
Partial Shares: Head Lettuce, Carrots, Baby Bok Choy, Lacinato Kale, Napa Cabbage, and Garlic Scapes (maybe)
Hello CSA Members!
I’m happy to report that the planting season is officially over, stress on the farm is down, and our crew has been expertly gaining the upper hand on the weeds, I’m not sure what it was about this year, but the weed pressure is monumental. But between tractors, hula hoes, and good old fashion hand weeding we’re making a dent. It’s looking like it’s going to be a season long effort, but It warms my cockles to drive by the newly weeded garlic patch and see all the plants thriving. That said, I think Rebecca was a bit ambitious this week on promising everyone scapes. While there will eventually be lots of them, they are really just starting to curl, so it will be a game time decision on whether we harvest this week or next….we’ll find out tomorrow. Today I hilled the potatoes, and the rest of the crew weeded some onions and beets. The tomatoes in the high tunnel received their second pruning and trellising, and are looking great. We’ve really had a lot of cloudy nights this month, and the warm temperatures have been enjoyed by all the crops.
We have also solved a great mystery on the farm this week. For the past two years, we’ve been finding tiny brown tubular substances on the leaves of many of our plants. We have been worried that it was a type of fungus or rust, but none of our research could come up with a similar looking fungus. So, finally this week, Rebecca sent it out to the Internet via instagarm to seek opinions. The feedback was fast and conclusive. It was not, in fact a fungus. It is bee poop! I guess when you have bee hives on your property, it comes with the territory, but I had no idea bees were such prolific poopers.
It’s hard to believe that we’re two thirds of the way through June already, and that the Fourth of July is rapidly approaching. Which brings up an important issue for Whitefish members. The 4th fall on a Tuesday this year, and there is not going to be a Downtown Farmer’s Market. I’m assuming most of you would rather not have to come into town to get your shares, when you could be out on the lake, in the park, or barbecuing in the back yard. We will be sending out a Survey Monkey online survey in a few days with a couple of options on alternate ways we could get you your shares, so be on the lookout for it. I’m just not sure what I”ll do when the 4 options all gain 25% of the vote 🙂
Well, enjoy the sunshine. So much for June being the rainy season. And we’ll see you at CSA!