Full Share: Mesclun Mix, Broccoli, Spring Onions, Hakurei Turnips, Garlic Scapes, Red Russian Kale, Broccolini, and Snap peas or Basil.
Partial Share: Mesclun Mix, Broccoli, Garlic Scapes, Spring Onions, Red Russian Kale, and Basil
Hello CSA Members!
This week is shaping up to be quintessential Montana. I was just out this evening shaping a few beds, and it was downright chilly with a stiff wind. And by Friday we’re supposed to see 90 degrees! Summer must be here….Cue the tourists! We must be in July, because the Broccoli is suddenly all ready! And I hate to say it, but we are taking a break from carrots this week because we need to allow them time to size up….at this point we keep harvesting beds of smaller carrots, and we are stuck in a loop where we can’t catch up unless we pause for one week. Sorry!
It’s been a busy couple of months on the farm, but things are really starting to shape up. The weeds are under control, and the crops are looking terrific. Except the Hakurei turnips….those things are just such a hit or miss proposition given that pests love them as much as people do. We have already tilled in three 180 foot beds of turnips due to damage, and we are finally eeking out some bunches from a fourth bed this week.
My nephew is in town for a few weeks, and he has brought along his drone to capture some farm footage. It sure is cool to see the farm from that vantage point.
We are still working on footage of the entire farm, but here is a little teaser. This is the corner of our farm that seemed to be in the roughest shape when we moved here…..really patchy pasture with lots of weeds. I planted a field pea cover crop early this spring, and last night I started to flail mow it back into the soil to improve the soil fertility and organic matter. While growing healthy food for our community is a big goal of ours, I also really enjoy the land stewardship side of farming as well. We have been working to improve the soils on the entire property so that any areas not in vegetable production can be used to grow crops for making compost, which will then be used to improve the vegetable ground. Finding the time to manage the entire 100 acres has been a bit of a challenge, but we are gaining on it each year. To the left, you can see the new 3 acre block of vegetable ground that we added this past fall, and in the background is the Two Bear River Ranch.
As for the recipes this week, you are getting garlic scape again (only about 17,500 more to go!). Here is a link for some scape ideas. And the broccoli is in full swing….here are 29 ways to spark to creative culinary skills.
I know I’ve mentioned this in the past, but if you are unsure what to do with a certain vegetable, it literally only takes a couple of seconds to do a Google search. There are so many amazing recipes to there, and the lack of internet trolls on cooking pages really is quite refreshing :).
See you at CSA pickup, and enjoy your 4th!