Full Share: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Salad Mix, Carrots, Zucchini, Garlic Scapes, and Basil

Partial Share: Broccoli, Salad Mix, Carrots, Zucchini, Garlic Scapes, and Basil

Hello CSA Members!

How about these sunny 75-degree days in July?? Personally, I think anything hotter is pointless unless you like A/C, have a boat, don’t go outside, or live on waterfront property. But that’s just my opinion. It’s been a really pleasant spring/summer here on the farm (hailstorms aside). All of the conservation and reseeding work we have done over the past 5 years is really starting to pay off, and the place seems more full of life. Wild turkeys abound, white-tail fawns seem to be everywhere this week, and I’ve seen more songbird varieties this year than ever before (goldfinches, towhees, and western tanagers being surprises). As much as I love growing good food, I equally enjoy trying to steward the land to provide habitat and “ecosystem services”, as well as a peaceful place to live…for both the animals and us. I’ve recently begun to consider hosting a couple of farm tour/Q&A sessions on the farm during the summer for anyone who wants to see what we do, has questions about their own food production, or simply wants a quiet evening outdoors. My big question is, when is a good time that would be convenient for the average person (or above average folks, in your cases) to attend? Monday evenings? Friday evening? 5pm or later, like 7:00, during the golden “hour”? Weekends? If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. You can send me an email, or simply tell me at CSA pickup.

My most recent adventure, which has taken about 3 years of planning and procrastination, is to better utilize the 87 or so acres of farm that are not in vegetable production in a way that benefits the vegetable operation….in addition to providing the aforementioned wildlife habitat. So after browsing online equipment auction sites the past two winters, I managed to piece together an affordable set-up for harvesting off many of our soil building crops, as well as many of our weeds, and turning them into compost to use in the growing of food.

Here’s a quick video of the setup

As much as Rebecca loves compost, I’m not sure she’s overly impressed by my first attempt. I think my Carbon to Nitrogen ratio is a bit low on the carbon side of things, and the sickly sweet smell that wafts into the bedroom window at night is not earning me any brownie points. Let’s call it a work in progress.

I think the farm really benefited from the mild temps and all the rain we’ve had the past couple of weeks. We have already moved on to our second succession of broccoli, and it is equally big and beautiful as the first round, which is not always the case in some July’s. And this week marks the arrival of one of my favorite vegetables….cauliflower. And the first zucchinis are ready! And there’s more basil! The share is definitely starting to take on more of a summer flavor. I’m thinking roasted cauliflower with garlic scapes and basil? Or feast your eyes on this bountiful collection of cauliflower recipe options. One note on the cauliflower…..if you happen to have a pink tint on yours, don’t panic. It’s not some crazy issue, but simply sunburn. If we missed putting a leaf over the head as it matured, it gets exposed to the sun during these long days and takes on that tint. It should be delicious regardless!

Happy July….see you at CSA!
