Full Share: Sweet Corn, Onions, Cilantro, Tomatoes, Sun Gold Tomatoes, Red Potatoes, Shishito Peppers, Salad Mix, Cucumber, and Zucchini
Partial Share: Shishito Peppers, Cilantro, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Sun Golds, Salad Mix, Onions, Zucchini, and Cucumber
Hello CSA members!
The much anticipated week #17 has arrived! Many years, the crops are winding down at this point, fall is in the air, and the work pressure seems to drop. This year is not following that pattern. First, the weather is phenomenally summer-like. Second, with the cool summer, many crops were delayed and so now they are still in peak production rather than senescing. Third, with the cooler summer, crop yields seem to be way up. I’m not super concerned about getting everything harvested, but I am a bit worried about where to store it all. We are literally going to be buried in carrots, potatoes, and winter squash. Everyone I talk to says these are good problems to have, but they are still problems that need solving. So, if any of you have a spare 40-foot refrigerated trailer sitting around in the driveway, let us know 🙂
Another oddity is that with the summer crops still producing, it’s hard to fit the fall crops into the CSA share. The way I look at it, I’m guessing folks would rather have fresh tomatoes than Acorn Squash, no? So, we’re pushing some of those fall items back. I suppose there is always the year-end Stock Up Sale for those of you who feel like you didn’t get your quota of winter squash during the CSA (October 10th is the tentative date, just for the record).
This week we enter the 3rd week of Sweet Corn. Because we only do one planting, this corn is reaching the end of it’s maturity window. I have not been out there yet to harvest, so I’m not sure how much I’ll find or what it’s condition will be. There may be some “nubs” in your share, which are the cute little ears that are only half the size. Still very delicious. It also could be the time the ears enter the “dough stage”, which is when they lose a bit of their pop, and become a bit starchier, but again, still delicious. So just a heads up. I figure it’s Montana, and you want as much Sweet Corn as you can get, but just know the third week of corn may not be as good as the first two, and we realize this. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Last night Rebecca whipped up some delicious taco’s with a corn salsa, ending a 112-day streak of sautéed vegetables for dinner…. 🙂 Basically B-Bar Beef burger with shiso, sautéed summer squash, and corn salsa in a hard corn taco shell. While we sell lots of the herb Shiso to chefs, this is really the first I’ve eaten it. I was surprised that it gave the burger a complex taco seasoning taste without any other spices or ingredients. And we tried to set you up this week for corn salsa. There’s tomatoes, onions, sweet corn, and even cilantro in the share this week. Rebecca claims she made up the recipe, so I don’t have a link for you. Basically, chop all of the ingredients and mix with some lemon juice and a pinch of hot pepper, and let it marinate a bit. Here’s a recipe that takes it up a notch by grilling the corn first!
Well, enjoy the sunshine, and we’ll see you at CSA pickup!!