Full Share: Acorn Squash, Poblano Peppers, Sungold Tomatoes, Slicing Tomatoes, Baby Kale or Salad Mix, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, and Cucumbers
Partial Share: Acorn Squash, Sungold Tomatoes, Slicing Tomato, Poblano Peppers, Baby Kale or Salad Mix, Carrots, Onion, Garlic, and Cucumber
Hello CSA members!
Today was a good day to stay out of the fields after all that rain last night! I think it was the universe telling us it was about time we got around to cleaning and sorting all the onions and garlic, so that’s what we did. Aside from a muddy salad and kale harvest, we managed to stay fairly clean and dry. I think the crew enjoyed the fact that they didn’t have to battle the mud and rain today, which I don’t think was their expectation when they arrived at work this morning. It’s hard to believe that it’s Week #18 already! Every year the farm seems to get busier and the summer’s shorter. I can’t boast of many recreational adventures this summer, but I did manage to make it up Great Northern last Sunday. It’s a great hike (except those last two miles downhill!), and the view from the top is a great reminder of how special a place we live in.
There have been lots of inquiries, so just to clarify, there are 2 more weeks of CSA after this one (weeks #19 and #20). Or to put it another way, the last week of CSA is the week of Sept. 23rd, which is also the last week of farmer’s market for Whitefish and Columbia Falls.
For anyone who is owed a double share from a previous vacation hold, you will need to request it either this week or for week #19. Because the last share (week #20) is a higher value, storage type share, it doesn’t qualify for a double box. And for those of you who tried out Bear Bucks, the intent was for that to replace a partial share, and for the money to be spent this season…either at market or at the Stock Up Sale (they cannot be applied to the Fall CSA). However, since it’s new, for this season only, we are willing to roll over folk’s remaining balance into next year if necessary.
The past couple of months have been rather frenetic on the farm, and so I’m looking forward to a bit more manageable pace. During the peak July and August season, it sometimes feel like we do very little “farming”…..it’s mostly just harvest, sell, repeat. It was nice this weekend to get out into the fields to take stock of what’s left to do, and to start preparing already for next year. I sprayed boron and humic acid, spread compost, and seeded cover crops in some of the areas where the soil was bare. After the soil fed us so well this season, it’s important to make time to feed the soil in return. And it’s hard to believe that infrastructure season will be upon us soon as well…that short period of October and November, before the snow flies and the ground freezes, where all the repairs and improvements have to be made in order to start on the right foot come next spring.
While the tourist and market season have started to slow, the tomatoes got the memo a week late. We are loaded up with tomatoes this week! So, not only will you get a healthy portion in your share, but we are also offering a special for anyone who wants to can, salsa, freeze, or dehydrate some for winter. We are offering a 15# box of red slicers for $25, as well as a #10 box of Sungolds for $20, as long as supplies last, to be delivered with your share at any of the CSA deliveries this week. Please do not respond to this blog, but rather email us at 2bearfarm@gmail.com to place your order. If you have a dehydrator sitting around, maybe you should consider dehydrating some Sungolds (cut them in half first)….you won’t be dissappointed!
As the weather turns wet and cool, there are remnants of summer in the share, as well as signs of fall. The first winter squash of the season, the iconic Acorn squash, graces the share this week. The classic preparation is to slice it in half and bake it in the over with butter and maple syrup on it. But, it also makes a great soup, especially with some garlic thrown in. In order to help us get the garlic organized, this week I grabbed a lot of the smaller, wonky heads to put in the shares just to ensure they get used. They may not be pretty, but they are just as delicious. And the Poblano Peppers are mild, but very flavorful. Great stuffed, in your Acorn Squash Soup, or added to hashbrowns, chili, or stir fry. In fact, here’s another 30 recipes to spark some ideas.
This week’s weather at market is sure going to feel different than last week…..we’ll see you there!