Full Share: Zucchini, Cucumbers, Cauliflower x 2, Parsley, Carrots, Salad Mix, and Lacinato Kale
Partial Share: Zucchini, Cucumbers, Cauliflower, Basil, Carrots, and Salad Mix
Hello CSA Members!
It’s mid-July in Montana, which means it’s peak summer. It’s getting hot out there this week, and our biggest challenge is keeping the crops irrigated without wilting ourselves. While we work during the heat of the day, I personally don’t love it….I’d much rather be out there early morning and later evening. In fact, I just interrupted this newsletter to go take an evening walk through the field, and get some photos during the golden hour. This week we crossed an exciting threshold at the farm….this was the week where we transitioned from high tunnel carrots to field carrots. Which means, instead of digging all the carrot out with a shovel, we can now undercut the carrots with a tractor. That may not sound like much, but it’s a big deal for the crew. Way easier and much faster to bunch. Which is important given how many carrots we grew this year! We’re working our way through our first 180-foot bed in the field, which is enough carrots for CSA, two farmers markets, and The Farmers’ Stand for a week, and based on last count, there are 44 beds to go. Which means we’ll be finished harvesting by February 5th 🙂
Since there are still some carrots to try to save, I thought I’d mention that we’re still doing the Thursday morning volunteer sessions from 9am to noon in cooperation with North Valley Food Bank and Land to Hand MT. Getting some extra hands on the farm helps take some of the pressure off us and the crew and is super helpful. A long time CSA member has attended the past two weeks, and she told me at CSA pickup that she really enjoys coming out to the farm. Not simply because it’s peaceful and beautiful out here, but because it’s given her a new perspective on what we do. While she’s read all the newsletters over the years, and has an idea of what we do here, it wasn’t until she spent a little time working along side of us that she understood the scale, practices, and type of work the farm entails. I say that as an invitation to any of you who are curious about visiting the farm to see what it’s all about. If you are at all interested, just come on out to the farm on Thursday at 9am. Long pants and gloves are highly recommended for your own comfort.
As far as CSA crops go, this week the zucchini are finally ready. And three successions of cauliflower are all ready at the same time, so you’ll be getting a healthy serving of those again. Don’t worry, here’s the link to fast track you to the cauliflower page in Dishing up the Dirt cookbook. Lots of cucumbers coming out the high tunnel as well these days, and I’m thinking the Sungold tomatoes will be maturing fast enough by next week to start getting them into shares for the rest of the season. This is the time of the season where the cold-season crops are still thriving, but the shift towards warm-season crops begins and you’ll see them increasingly entering into your weekly shares.
Well, hopefully you have some good shade, or a boat, this week to beat the heat. We’ll see you at CSA pickup.