Full Share: Carrots, Green Beans, Slicing Tomatoes, Sungold Tomatoes, Garlic, Zucchini…..
Partial Share: , Green Beans, Slicing Tomatoes, Sungold Tomatoes, Garlic, Zucchini…..maybe too wet for potatoes?
Hello CSA Members!
It’s finally raining! It took the first tropical storm in 84 years on the west coast to bring us moisture this summer, but we’ll take it any way we can get it. The low river has reduced our ability to irrigate, and it was increasingly having an effect on the crops on the farm, so this rain is a huge help to the crops…. at least for a week or so. But it’s like running a marathon…I’m not looking for the finish line, just the next aid station. This entire season feels like it’s been on fast-forward. CSA started two weeks early, and all the crops have been about 2 weeks earlier than normal, and right now it feels like our season is winding down, even though it’s only late August.
Up to this point, it’s been a hot and dry season, and the farm team is feeling the effects. I think we’re all ready for a bit cooler weather and a bit of a slow down in the work. While I tend not to put much trust into weather forecasts that call for rain in July or August, this one seemed different. So, we prioritized pulling all of the onions and winter squash that were ready out of the fields so that they wouldn’t get wet. Much of the garlic has been cleaned at this point, and so the greenhouse is yet again morphing into a new phase as a squash and onion curing house.

Farming is such a fickle thing. All I’ve wanted the past three months is rain, and tomorrow I’ll be griping that I have to dig potatoes in the mud 🙂 Luckily, we managed to pick a bunch of green beans before the rain started, so you’ll get a large serving of those. The aforementioned dry and hot conditions continue to leave us in a salad mix lull this week, but there will be more tomatoes. Otherwise, I’ll leave it a bit loose until we get through the harvest tomorrow. More than anything, I just want to sit on the couch tonight with the sliding door open and watch it rain.
One last note on tomatoes. Last week we had a lot of people respond to this newsletter, which goes no where ( and yes, it says “do not reply” at the bottom). I should have mentioned that last week, so if any of you missed out, we are offering the same special this week. If you are interested this week in purchasing canning tomatoes (20# for $35) or Sungolds (5# for $20) please send us a new email to 2bearfarm@gmail.com, and we’ll be sure to bring them to the CSA pickup.
Alright, we’ll see you at CSA pickup!