CSA Week #14

Full Shares:  Salad mix, tomatoes, kale, eggplant, beans, basil, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, and corn Partial Shares:  Everthing in smaller portions, less kale Hello CSA members! Well, it seems like the record hot and dry spring and summer that we feared would lead...

CSA Week #13

Full Shares: Red Norland potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, basil, carrots, summer squash, cucumbers, purple cabbage, and purple bell peppers Half Shares: Tomatoes, red cabbage, basil , carrots, summer squash, cucumbers, cauliflower, and purple peppers Hello CSA...

CSA Week #12

Full Share:  Grafitti cauliflower, summer squash, Yukon Gold potatoes, broccoli, carrots, basil, tomatoes or eggplant, cucumbers, and kale Half Shares:  Same as above, smaller portions perhaps minus cauliflower? Hello CSA members! The odd result of a really hot spring...

CSA Week #11

Full Share:  Eggplant, peppers, salad mix, yukon gold potatoes, carrots, purple peacock broccolini, cucumbers, summer squash, and red cabbage Partial Share:  Graffiti or white cauliflower, eggplant, cucumbers, salad mix, carrots,  and summer squash Hello CSA members!...

CSA Week #10

Full Share:  Basil, beets, baby red potatoes, Graffiti purple cauliflower, lacinato kale, parsley, cucumbers, summer squash, and broccoli Half Share:  Basil, beets, baby red potatoes, lacinato kale, cucumbers, summer squash, and broccoli Hello CSA members! It’s...